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Showing posts from July 21, 2019

I think some one need to replace the data on this template with his or her own data. Business card made by UZB Graphix. front and back.


How do you treat your parents, how well do you know about them. How much love do you show your mother, what have you gotten for her since you started work or school. Remember Time waits for no one, it's either u show them love now or u miss it, don't wait till you become a millionaire before you take care of your parent, the little you have give them let them know you care for them. Remember Time ⌚. One day you will be like them and have ur own children. Think. Time waits for no body.

Get Your Letterhead today at affordable price.. chose one template and turn it to urs.


This will be cool for ur mobile device

Awesome Wallpaper

Awesome desktop wallpaper

Time observations

we treat the past very differently from the future. Past: regrets, nostalgia, learning more about it, accepting it.  Future: hopes, fears, making predictions about it, changing it. this is a through fact of time. the past can never come to the future and the future can no go to the past.

Time is the indefinite continued progress of existence.

Time is the indefinite continued progress of existence and events that occur in an apparently irreversible succession from the past, through the present, to the future. Time Waits for no body and can not go back for anybody. time keep moving fast just like a speed light.

Take Factor. Means of leaving consciously

Take time

Time is Precious and can not wait for you. so work with time.

Take Time (Good Morning)

Time is Very important in life

Take Time

time is important

More coming soon

Take time its necessary

When Graphix turns to look like magic

get customize image with ur photo

Business card and company logo designed by me